Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jamie & Tommy's Wedding Highlights

Photo courtesy of Vesic Photography

WOW! What an event! Jamie and Tommy's wedding in April was incredible! Jamie was one of the most beautiful brides I have worked with and Tommy was such a sweetie and you could really feel their love all around. This event was a major undertaking (never mind I was 8 months pregnant!), complete with gorgeous total event design by Corums in Pleasant Garden, Renee and her staff who worked so hard for us at Sweet Basil's, Canterbury School staff, and of course our special guest and vendor, Bronwen Weber of Frosted Art Bakery in Dallas, TX for making Jamie's beautiful, 7 foot, "dream cake" come true! And none of this would have been possible without Jamie's vision for a special Medieval style wedding...what fun it was to plan with she and her mom and dad! Special thanks to my friends, Hooman at Vesic Photography and to Matt and Melissa of Lifestage Videography! Check out this short highlights video produced by Lifestage Videography by clicking is INCREDIBLE and truly brings out the feeling of the day! Congrats to Jamie and Tommy Tate!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Aubrey is 2 months old!

Ok... I couldn't resist. Aubrey is just perfect. Everyday I am amazed at how much I love her more and more. She's the "spittin' image" of her daddy and sometimes I wonder if that "helps" me love her so much more... he's a cutie you know! I'm having fun with my new camera - taking shots that I hope catch her "spirit" and making sure I document her little baby details. She just got back from her 2 month checkup and she's growing like crazy! She now weighs 10 lbs. 15 oz. and has grown 2 inches. She's been enjoying visits with her family from Indiana and locally and loves to be talked to...thanks to her Granny! We're trying to teach her "Da-Da" because her mommy will get MAJOR BONUS POINTS for teaching her that!! Jacob has adjusted to having a baby sister in the house now and he loves to see all the new things she does everyday. God has truly blessed us with Aubrey. Here are some photos of the last few days, etc. Enjoy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

A Great Father/Daughter Dance Song

Photo courtesy of Vesic Photography

Looking for the perfect "daddy/daughter dance" song? I have it for you...well, I should say one of my beautiful brides has it! Jamie Tate (formerly Jamie Crumley) married Tommy Tate on a beautiful April 18, 2009 evening and had a gorgeous wedding and reception (photos to follow soon). Jamie and her father flew to Nashville to write and record the song "Daddy Let's Dance" that they later used to dance to at her wedding. It was a GREAT song... made me cry (of course!) and has a great hook to it! Now Jamie is releasing "Daddy Let's Dance" to the world and, coming from a singer's perspective myself and one who is tried her hand at the music industry many years ago, I can tell you this is quite an accomplishment! The official CD release party is on Tuesday, July 21st from 6-8 pm at the Shoppes On Dixie shopping center in Asheboro located on Hwy 64 right at the intersection of Zoo Parkway. Jamie will be debuting her final master version of the song, performing the song live, signing autographs and refreshments will be served. I am so proud of Jamie and hope all of you will come out and support her in this great accomplishment! You can also download the single on itunes or at Daddy Let's Dance after the release party on July 21st. Way to go Jamie!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

She's Here!

Mickey, Jacob and I would like to announce that Aubrey Kathryn Denton was born Wednesday, June 10, 2009 via scheduled c-section!!! She is HEALTHY, beautiful and looks just like her daddy (minus the goatee!). She arrived at 8:47 AM and weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz.! She is such a blessing...a little sleepyhead...and a BIG eater!! She loves her daddy's voice and loves looking at him and cuddling with him...(who wouldn't!?) Her big brother, Jacob loves her lots too! He loves that she sticks out her tongue at him. Thanks to all for your prayers and encouraging emails and calls!

Monday, June 8, 2009

2 More Days To Go!

WHEW! 2 more days til our baby girl's arrival! Advice to ladies... do this BEFORE 35. Or get in shape pre-baby!! Seriously... we are super excited to see our little girl this week! Here's probably a couple "last shots" of the bump pre-arrival! Keep us in your prayers and we'll post the big news as soon as we can!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

He's So Cute!

Many of you know I'm on an extended Maternity Leave (even though baby Aubrey has not arrived yet!) and so my wedding "season" just ended last weekend. I've had a blast but am ready for some R&R before the baby comes. I'll be taking at least a year off once she arrives! One of my favorite things to do these days is cuddle up on Baby Beck, my nephew. He's 4 1/2 months old and cute as he can be. I also got a new camera and am practicing with it and what better subject material than a baby! Here are some photos I took this past weekend of him. Oh and if you haven't checked out my maternity shots taken by Renee with McCardell Photography, click here to see them on their'll need to scroll down to find them. She did an amazing job and I couldn't be happier... all you preggy people call her!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Playing Catch-up with Jacob

Believe it or not, my winter has been pretty crazy with weddings so I'm just now posting some much needed cute photos of Jacob. Lucky for me, he's patient about having his time in the spotlight! It's a bit of a hodge-podge but here's some photos from the last couple of months...I'll explain the photos as they are posted. Here's our cutie!

Here's Jacob's Perfect Attendance Award pic...congrats!

Jacob with his new cousin, Beck...Beck finally fell asleep after crying...Jake was a natural with him (in practice for his baby sister!)

Here are some cute photos of Jacob that his daddy took...some of my favorites!

Jacob enjoying some hot chocolate after playing in the snow with me...look at those cute little red cheeks and nose!

Jacob recently competed in his first Kempo Karate Tournament and won a trophy, two 4th place finishes and one 2nd place finish! Great job Jake!

Here he is letting us know he placed 2nd in the Karate Combo segment...yay!

Jacob didn't fare so well in this battle...

Jacob with his Mimi and Poppy...

Jacob with Daddy Mickey...

...and Mommy...

Check out those ribbons and trophy!

The camera "hog" would like to smile while grappling lol...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jamé and Eoin's Wedding Day

I have waited way too long to post this far, this was the most beautiful wedding I've planned (in my opinion) and absolutely the most fun I've had in 5 short months of planning! The bride, Jamé and her fiance, Eoin (pronounced like Owen) were in Ireland during almost the entire process of planning, so I had the privilege of planning with Jamé's mother, Jennifer, who has extremely wonderful taste! Mother's of the bride get a bad wrap in my opinion...I had a blast with Jennifer and her family made me (and my family!) feel like a part of theirs from the beginning. To top it all off, we hired some of my favorite vendors: Greg at The Millennium Center for the reception site (love this place!!), Wayne at Floral Visions Design Studio for the GORGEOUS flowers, Liz at Grayhall Designs designed our beautiful stationary items, including Jamé and Eoin's logo that was used almost everywhere, Updo's for hair/makeup, Babs and Scott at Poetic Reality Productions and of course, Logan Jarrard for his fantastic , "put tears in your eyes" photos that he is famous for! Logan let me "borrow" some of his shots from his blog here to post for your enjoyment. This wedding was a lot of work with a lot of details to take care of, and I really never knew I could have so much fun working so hard!! Thanks to the Tierneys and the O'Sullivans for a very, very memorable experience and for loving on my family as you did...we love you guys!

What a ring!

My favorite shot so far...

I love it when the bride and groom get to see each other creates such an intimate moment and this way, the groom can truly "see" the bride for the first time and the bride can see his reaction clearly....and Logan sets this up so well!

Details, Details!! An example of Jennifer's great taste!

Eoin's brother made a great toast!

Yes, this party was hoppin'!